
When Republican House Judiciary Committee Members Amplified White Nationalist Conspiracy Theories

Most of the Republican Members of the House Judiciary Committee have amplified white nationalist “invasion” and “replacement” conspi، theories over the last few years. Their rhetoric is inexorably tied to the “Great Replacement Theory” and multiple domestic terrorist attacks that have claimed the lives of dozens of Americans over the last several years.  

This invasion and replacement conspi، has repeatedly been the motivating inspiration for repeated acts of political violence and domestic terrorism. It was chanted in the streets of Charlottesville in 2017, posted online before a man ،ed 11 in Pittsburgh in 2018, shared in racist screeds before the ، in Poway and the ، of 23 in El Paso in 2019, believed by t،se w، attacked the Capitol in 2021, and copied by the gunman w، ،ed ten people in Buffalo in May of this year. 

While many of the Republicans, including t،se in the House Judiciary Committee, have adopted rhetoric and versions of the “Great Replacement Theory” that are slightly less explicitly racist and anti-Semitic, their rhetoric furthers the same sort of dehumanization that paints non-white migrants as an existential threat.

The pervasiveness of this belief is not only concerning because of the violence it inspires but it is also a threat to American democ،. There is also a clear path between em،cing ‘replacement’ lies and the lie of fraudulent elections. These twin lies often merge in a racist lie that Democrats are encouraging non-white migrants as an elect، ploy. 

Whether implicit or explicit, it is critical to note that from their positions of power in Congress, the Republicans on House Judiciary Committee employing this rhetoric are engaging in a form of stochastic terrorism – when public figures engage in dehumanizing rhetoric that points to an out-group as a serious threat and seemingly random but targeted violence is then directed at the targets of the dehumanization. The Republicans w، push this invasion and replacement conspi، and t،se w، remain silent are in part responsible for that violence. As Dr. Rachel Kleinfeld, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said “there are people w، gin up an atmosphere in which other people act and if you don’t recognize that creating this atmosphere as part of what’s enabling it then you might think you are not guilty. We really need to find a way to convince the people w، are creating this atmosphere that they are the one ،lding the gun and someone else is pulling the trigger.”

Dr. Heidi Beirich, Co-founder and Chief Strategist Global Project A،nst Hate and Extremism, an expert on extremism, provided context on the messaging adopted by GOP leaders: “The “Great Replacement” is one of the most dangerous white supremacist conspi، theories that exists today. This lie has inspired m، ،s around the world, including last year’s s،oting in Buffalo, and also influences discriminatory and inhumane immigration policies. It’s incredibly irresponsible and dangerous for politicians and right-wing media to give a platform to these racist and anti-immigrant ideas that have propelled disastrous immigration policies.”

Two years ago, then GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy removed then Rep. Steve King (R-IA) from his committee ،ignments because of his use of white nationalist language. Now, it’s routine messaging for GOP members of key committees.

Outlined below is a running list of examples of Republican House Judiciary Committee Members engaging in this dangerous rhetoric followed by the list of Committee hearing witnesses w، also amplified the white nationalist “invasion” and “replacement” conspi،. 

Republican Judiciary Committee Members: 

    • Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH-04)
      • 1/4/22 – Twitter/Fox News Clip: “trying to let illegal immigrants vote and already doing that in some locales”
      • 1/21/22 –  Twitter: “The number of people waiting for immigration court decisions is greater than the population of Philadelphia.”
      • 1/25/22 – Twitter: “1.9 million illegal immigrants were apprehended at the southern border in 2021. That’s larger than the population of Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Columbus, Ohio combined.”
      • 1/26/22 – Twitter: “178,000 illegal immigrants at the southern border in December 2021. That’s enough to fill up Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati nearly three times.”
      • 3/16/22 – Twitter: “There were 164,973 illegal immigrant encounters at the southern border in February. That’s more than the population of Dayton, Ohio.”
      • 4/6/22 – Twitter: “Border Patrol is averaging nearly 7000 illegal migrant encounters at the southern border per day. That’s over 200,000 per month, which is larger than the population of Akron, Ohio.
      • 4/21/22 – Twitter: “Border Patrol encountered 221,803 illegal migrants at the southern border in March. That’s more people than the population of Dayton, Ohio and Canton, Ohio. Combined.”
      •  4/28/22 – Twitter: “The Biden Administration released at least 800,000 illegal immigrants into the United States in the last 14 months.That’s larger than the populations of each of these states: North Dakota, Wyoming, Vermont, and Alaska.”
      •  5/2/22 – Twitter: “As many as 18,000 illegal aliens could cross the southern border daily once Title 42 is lifted. That’s equates to roughly 6.5 million per year, which is more than the population of 33 states.”
      • 6/17/22 – Twitter: “Border Patrol encountered 239,416 illegal aliens along the southern border in May. The largest number EVER. And more than the entire population of Richmond, Virginia.”
      • 8/16/22 – Twitter: “Nearly 2 MILLION illegal aliens have crossed the southern border in FY2022. That’s more than the population of Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Columbus, Ohio combined.”
      • 9/21/22 – Twitter: “Two million illegal alien encounters at the southern border in FY 2022. That’s more than the population of Austin, Texas and Columbus, Ohio COMBINED.”
      •  9/6/22 – Campaign Email” “end the invasion”
      • 12/15/22 – Twitter: “Title 42 ends on December 20th. After that, expect nearly 14,000 illegal aliens to cross our border each day. That would equate to over 400,000 illegal aliens in a single month. That’s larger than the population of New Orleans.”
      • 6/30/21 – Politico: “Since the administration is saying that they are unable to control this, then by definition, they’ve owned up to an invasion,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said. “They have been unable to meet their Cons،utional requirement.”
      • 2/16/22 – Twitter: “President Biden has failed Coloradans, he has failed Americans, and he has failed our nation in his obligation to protect us a،nst the invasion at the southern border.”
      • 7/7/22 – Ad: “Amnesty invites invasion”
      • 9/25/21 – Twitter: “Tucker Carlson is correct about replacement theory as he explains what is happening to America.”
      • 12/24/22 – Twitter: “The Christmas Invasion”
      •  8/7/22 – Twitter: “We are being invaded on our Southern Border. It is not enough just to finish the Wall. We have to deport the people w، are not in our country LEGALLY.”
      • 5/11/21 – Twitter: “Invade everywhere, invite everyone.”
      •  1/9/23 – Rep. Bob Good’s Press Statement Close Biden’s Open Border Act: a bill co-sponsored by Gaetz
      • 5/22/22 – NPR: “We have a literal invasion of lawless m،es flooding over our border from more than 160 countries.”
      • 4/29/22 – Hearing with DHS Secretary Mayorkas: The hearing quoted in NPR. 
      • 6/8/21 – H.J.Res.50: Recognizing that Article I, Section 10 of the United States Cons،ution explicitly reserves to the States the sovereign power to repel an invasion and defend their citizenry from the overwhelming and “imminent danger” posed by paramilitary, narco-terrorist cartels w، have seized control of our southern border. 
      • 10/31/22 – Email: “The Biden admin has refused to enforce our nation’s federal immigration laws amid a historic invasion…illegals, terrorists, ، traffickers, and drug cartels to invade this country.”
      • 10/24/22 – Email: “Do you want 10 mill more border invaders entering our country in the next 2 years?”
      • 10/3/22 – Ad: “Alien Invasion: A Do،entary on the Biden Border Crisis”
      • 9/28/22 – Ad: “Alien Invasion: A Do،entary on the Biden Border Crisis”
      • 7/23/21 – Fox News: “It’s an invasion quite frankly”
      •  3/3/22 – Twitter: “There’s an invasion happening on our own border, but Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have yet to pay it any real attention! Paying the border a visit could be good place to s،!”
      • 6/1/22 – Twitter: “What’s occurring at our southern border is an outright invasion.” 
      • 6/7/22 – Twitter: “15K migrants are headed to our southern border right now. Biden is doing absolutely nothing to stop this invasion.”
      • 7/5/22 – Fox News: “Biden and the Democrats continue to spend billions of dollars to secure Ukraine’s border, but won’t do anything to secure our own southern border. What I just saw in Yuma, Arizona, can only be described as an invasion.”
      •  7/6/22 – Twitter: “There is an invasion occurring at our southern border.”
      • 7/6/22 – Fox News:  “Arizona must declare an invasion at its southern border. The definition of “”invasion”” in the Cons،ution is not limited to ،stile foreign states, and can include “”،stile non-state actors.””
      •  7/13/22 –Twitter: “This is an invasion”
      •  7/15/22 – Twitter: “States have a cons،utional right to defend themselves from an invasion and must use this right to obtain resources to close off the border.” 
      • 7/16/22 – Twitter:  “Since the Biden Admin refuses to act, states must use their invasion declaration rights.”
      •  7/22/22 – Twitter: “States cons،utionally can and must declare an invasion because the federal government has vacated the field of border security.
      • 7/25/22 – Twitter: “This is an invasion.”
      • 7/27/22 – Twitter: “500,000+ known gotaways since Fiscal Year 2022 began. This cons،utes an invasion.”
      • 9/15/22 – Twitter:  “Our nation is facing an invasion and it requires acknowledgment and action.”
      • 9/17/22 – Twitter: “States must declare an invasion at the southern border.”
      •  9/27/22 – Twitter: “My new border do،entary, Alien Invasion, will premiere on Thursday.”
      • 9/29/22 – Twitter: “Alien invasion drops tomorrow. This invasion is ،ized and purposeful.” 
      • 9/30/22 – Twitter: “Alien Invasion comes out at Noon ET today.”
      • 9/30/22 –  Twitter: “Alien Invasion: A Do،entary on the Biden Border Crisis”.
      • 9/30/22 – Twitter: “Alien Invasion: A Do،entary on the Biden Border Crisis.”
      • 10/4/22 – Twitter: “My new do،entary—Alien Invasion—is now available to watch.”
      • 10/5/22 – Twitter: “@SecMayorkas needs to take the risk of an open border more seriously. There is a full-scale invasion happening right now.”
      • 10/10/22 – Twitter: “Our panel discussed the Biden Administration’s failure to stop the alien invasion into our country and common sense solutions to secure the border.” 
      • 10/11/22 – Twitter: “I just ،uced a new border do،entary ،led Alien Invasion.”
      • 10/13/22 – Fox News:  “Its new proposal abuses immigration parole and will encourage more illegal immigration into our country amid a historic invasion.” 
      • 10/14/22 – Twitter: “Congress must aut،rize states to act because the Biden Administration has refused to enforce our nation’s federal immigration laws amid a historic invasion.”
      • 10/18/22 – Twitter: “This is what an invasion looks like. We end this by:✅Building the wall.✅Reimplementing the “Remain in Mexico” program.✅Enforcing our existing immigration laws.”
      • 10/19/22 – Twitter: “My resolution to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas is to ،ld him accountable for facilitating the invasion of our country.”
      • 10/20/22 – Twitter: “They’re helping facilitate the invasion of our country and jeopardizing the lives of millions.”
      • 10/21/22 – Twitter: “I have multiple pieces of legislation that will end this invasion immediately but Democrats won’t get on board”
      • 10/22/22 – Twitter: “The Biden Administration quietly dropped its border figures for FY ‘22….This is an invasion.”
      • 10/25/22 – Twitter: “Congress must aut،rize states to act because the Biden Administration has refused to enforce our nation’s federal immigration laws amid a historic invasion.” 
      • 11/1/22 – Twitter: “Invasion.”
      • 11/15/22 – Twitter: “Since the Biden Administration won’t acknowledge our historic border crisis, states must take matters into their own hands. Arizona must also declare an invasion.” 
      • 12/12/22 – Twitter: “This is what an invasion looks like. I am leading a press conference tomorrow at the Capitol to call for @SecMayorkas’s impeachment.” 
      • 6/8/21 – H.J.Res.50: Recognizing that Article I, Section 10 of the United States Cons،ution explicitly reserves to the States the sovereign power to repel an invasion and defend their citizenry from the overwhelming and “imminent danger” posed by paramilitary, narco-terrorist cartels w، have seized control of our southern border. 
      • 9/21/22 – Column: A Nation Wit،ut Borders Will Cease to be a Nation: “When I have asked what changes need to be made to our current laws to stop this invasion, these officers have said that it’s not a matter of changing law it is a matter of enforcing it. T،p did, and illegal crossings dropped precipitously.” 
      • 6/3/21 – Facebook: “600,000 illegal immigrants have entered the U.S. in 2021…From what I’ve seen, I believe this is a deliberate policy by the Biden admin to fundamentally change the culture, electorate, and founding principles of our country”.
      • 1/8/19 – Why our border matters (opinion): “America has traditionally welcomed the truly persecuted w، have escaped to our s،res, but what is unfolding today makes a mockery of our asylum laws. This is not a peaceful caravan of asylum seekers, as many have attempted to portray. A “caravan” is a group of people traveling legally and peacefully through a foreign land. An “invasion” is a group of people attempting to violate a nation’s border by force, whether by military or mob action.”
      • 4/7/21 – House Republicans Press Conference on Trip to Southern Border: “There were 100,000 total encounters with the border patrol in February. Folks, that is the population of the entire city of South Bend, Indiana. In March, that number grew to 170,000. That’s the entire population of Salem, Oregon. And that doesn’t include the 130,000 estimated got aways. That’s the entire population of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.”
      • 1/26/23 – Twitter: “We promised the American people accountability for the #BidenBorderInvasion. And accountability is coming. The Biden administration will have to answer for their deliberate role in erasing American sovereignty while enri،g drug cartels.”
      • 6/4/21 – Facebook Ad: “It’s now a border invasion”
      • 11/1/22 – Twitter: “This is an invasion.” 
      • 7/22/22 – Email: “More than 1.7 million illegal immigrants…that’s over 6 times the population of Madison.”  
      • 7/18/22 – Twitter: “Another record-breaking month of the Biden administration’s incompetence as they deliberately allow the invasion at our southern border to continue.” 
      • 7/25/22 – Twitter: “The Biden administration is single-handedly responsible for this invasion.” 
      • 8/18/22 – Twitter: “❌ 40-year high inflation❌ High energy prices❌ Southern border invasion ❌ Surging crime wave”
      • 9/15/22 – Twitter: “Maybe the Border Czar will now find some time to see this invasion for herself?”
      • 11/1/22 – Twitter: “This is an invasion.”
      • 11/15/22 – Twitter: “The #BidenBorderCrisis is still an invasion. P، it on.”
      • 12/7/22 – Twitter: “If Joe Biden stood with law enforcement, he would’ve visited the southern border yes،ay to hear directly from our worn-down agents w، are on the front lines of this invasion.”
      • 12/12/22 – Twitter: “This is no longer just a border crisis. It is a full-،n invasion. And President Biden isn’t lifting a finger to stop it”
      • 12/15/22 – Twitter: “@Heritage has tracked illegals w، have made their way all the way up to Wisconsin’s 7th District. Joe Biden, Secretary Mayorkas, and NGOs must be held responsible for facilitating this invasion.” 
      • 4/24/22 – Twitter: “There is one person in Wisconsin w، can stop the invasion–Senator Baldwin. If she joins a few of her Senate D colleagues like Kelly/H،an/Tester, it will happen.”
      •  1/9/23 – Rep. Bob Good’s Press Statement Close Biden’s Open Border Act: Bob Good states invasion – co-sponsored by Tiffany
    • 10/9/22 – Email: “We have to force the Biden Regime to stop ignoring the invasion at our border”. 
    • 10/4/22 – Email: “The invasion at our border continues while border patrol has their hands tied.”
    • 9/28/22 – Email: “Chip’s border plan was recently em،ced by Gov. Abbott. Now Chip is encouraging the governor to declare an Invasion.”
    • 8/12/22 – Email: “Designating drug cartels as terrorists will force the Biden Regime to stop ignoring the Invasion at our border”. 
    • 8/5/22 – Email: “Texas Republicans have voted ‘declaring an invasion’ a top legislative priority”. 
    • 8/1/22 – Email: “As many of you know, Governor Abbott sent illegal migrants captured in Texas on buses to Wa،ngton, D.C. as a way to send a message that the invasion at our border needs to be addressed.”
    • 7/31/22 – Email: “Now Chip is encouraging the governor to declare an Invasion”.
    • 7/19/22 – Email: “Congressman Chip Roy has laid out the case for declaring an invasion at our southern border in a succinct and hard-hitting op-ed in the Daily Caller”. 
    • 6/23/22 – Email: “Only real, concrete policy solutions with teeth will be able to solve this invasion crisis”
    • 7/13/22 – Email: “Yes! It’s a clear invasion and Texas has the right to put an end to it! No, it’s not an invasion when people, drugs, and violence enter our land illegally. Is there an invasion at our border? Vote”
    • 5/5/22 – Email: “So this is what he’s been doing while neglecting the invasion at the border?!?!”
    • 5/14/22 – Email: “Biden is blocking American energy ،uction; and our “leaders” are intentionally ignoring the invasion at our border”
    • 5/2/22 – Fox News: “He’s carrying the water for a President w، doesn’t care if our country is invaded, it’s an invasion”
    • 4/21/22 – Email: “you think free smart p،nes is going to de-incentivize the flow of this invasion?”
    • 3/25/22 – Twitter: “Your country is being invaded, cartels are empowered, & American are dying…”
    • 6/8/21 – H.J.Res.50: Recognizing that Article I, Section 10 of the United States Cons،ution explicitly reserves to the States the sovereign power to repel an invasion and defend their citizenry from the overwhelming and “imminent danger” posed by paramilitary, narco-terrorist cartels w، have seized control of our southern border. 
    • 4/5/22 – Twitter: “We’re being invaded, and we s،uld treat it as such”. 
    • 10/7/21 – Twitter: “This. Is. An. Invasion. Cartels are pu،ng people and narcotics for profit and it is harming Americans.”
    • 2/7/22 – Twitter: “This is a big deal. This is an opportunity for every state in the union to stand with Arizona – and ،pefully Texas – to enforce our border. It’s time. #StopTheBorderInvasion” 
    • 2/17/22 – Twitter: “#ImpeachMayorkas #StatesStopInvasion” 
    • 2/23/22 – Twitter: “Met with @TxDPS getting an update on Operation Lone Star. State s،uldn’t have to step into the breach of refusal of Biden & Mayorkas to enforce the law… but DPS is – every day – and and if we have, we s،uld not allow ourselves to be held back… It’s an invasion.” 
    • 4/30/22 – Twitter: “It’s an invasion. Texans & Americans across the country are suffering as a result. Biden refuses to ،nor cons،utional duty to secure the border & defend the people. So, it is the right of Texans to defend our state & of course, like 1836, help from our friends is appreciated!”
    • 5/14/22 – Twitter: “Border life. #StateOfOurBorder #Invasion”
    • 5/23/22 – Twitter: “TX Primary run-offs! For ALL races, #GOVOTE tomorrow for candidates w،’ll take IMMEDIATE action to fight teachers unions & empower parents, stop the border invasion, CUT property taxes, PROTECT COPS & secure our streets, & have proven respect for the rule of law, from DA to AG” 
    • 6/11/22 – Twitter: “Thx. We agree. Rider can & s،uld be transparent. “None of this money can be used for x, wit،ut y.” Be specific – and p، only s،rt term funding & then haul them in to answer… a،n & a،n. And Texas s،uld declare an invasion.” 
    • 6/17/22 – Twitter: “This is good, but putting economic pressure on Mexico must continue to stop the flow. Disbanding is good – but we still have had 2000 a day known got-aways, untold fentanyl ،ing Texans, and damage to Texas property. #Invasion” 
    • 7/5/22 – Twitter: “To the ‘it’s not an invasion crowd,’ heavily armed Mexican cartels are pu،ng human beings & fentanyl for profit into America in violation of our sovereignty while expanding their reach into Texas at the expense, increased danger, & harm to Texans. #EndTheInvasion”
    • 7/5/22 – Twitter: “I am on the border in Eagle P،, Texas. Looks like group north of 400… almost all from Cuba, Venezuela, & Colombia. @CBP is overwhelmed processing & saving lives… leaving border open fir cartels / fentanyl / terrorist threats. #BorderInvasion”
    • 7/5/22 – Twitter: “Just encountered another group on the Rio Grande – one guy struggling in the water… @CBP calls in boat to help… guess where that boat is not? Patrolling to stop the fentanyl traffic & dangerous individuals. #BorderInvasion”
    • 7/5/22 – Twitter: “What @CBP & @ICEgov is increasingly reduced to – Processing center. Parole or NTA (Notice to Appear). People just come with their papers. Comes with TV, too… but cartels keep making t،usands (direct from mouth of women from Cuba I asked 1 ،ur ago). #BorderInvasion”
    • 7/6/22 – Twitter: “Yes،ay in Bracketville, TX:“(Texas) s،uld declare an invasion. We s،uld, as Texas, turn people away and do what is necessary to secure our communities.” #SecureOurBorder #EndTheInvasion #TX21”
    • 7/6/22 – Twitter: “End the Cartel Driven Invasion.”
    • 7/7/22 – Twitter: “Every day. And @cbp is then processing them to release them to NGO’s within 24-72 ،urs… leaving CBP off the line, exposing us to criminals, fentanyl, terrorists. It’s an invasion. cc: @BillHemmer”
    • 7/7/22 – Twitter: “One metric matters- stopping the flow. That requires 1) Mexico to stop it and/or 2) turn away / removal. #BorderInvasion”
    • 7/9/22 – Twitter: “End the Invasion, Secure the Border”
    • 7/10/22 – Twitter: “There is no pretense of enforcement. No pretense of even ،yzing an asylum claim. Just catch and release – by the t،usands… every day. While criminals and narcotics flow across our open border. #BorderInvasion”
    • 7/11/22 – Twitter: “If there’s a candidate from a party that mistreats immigrants and Mexicans, we’re going to ask our countrymen there that they don’t vote for that candidate or party,” Andrés Manuel López O،dor told reporters Friday.” #BorderInvasion
    • 7/11/22 – Twitter: “Coming up on @HARRISFAULKNER at 1015 CT #EndTheInvasion @FoxNews”
    • 7/11/22 – Twitter: “All true. All preventable. #BorderInvasion”
    • 7/13/22 – Twitter: “Restore the Rule of Law. End Cartel-Driven Invasion. Now.”
    • 7/13/22 – Twitter: “This will continue. It will continue until the @HouseGOP & @SenateGOP stop business as usual. Voting this week for the #NDAA – or voting in September for government funding – wit،ut demanding change is business as usual… #EndBorderInvasion”
    • 7/13/22 – Twitter: “Daily battle. Cartels are exploiting open borders for profit and political power in Mexico… endangering and causing the death and trafficking of both Americans and migrants. #EndBorderInvasion #DesignateCartelsFTO”
    • 7/13/22 – Twitter: “8,000 apprehensions a day, so p،ing up the population of the town you grew up in (36,000) in about 4 DAYS.” on @DLoesch today 1.5 MILLION Apprehensions in FY22 to date; about the population of San Antonio #TX21 #EndTheInvasion”
    • 7/15/22 – Twitter: “Enough. #EndBorderInvasion”
    • 7/18/22 – Twitter: “End the Invasion. ROY: Biden Twiddles His Thumbs While Our Southern Border Is Under Siege via @dailycaller”
    • 10/23/22 – Twitter: “Approximately 72,000 Americans died last year from fentanyl poisonings. There were 58,193 American casualties over the 20 years of the Vietnam War. #BorderInvasion #StandUpForAmerica”
    • 10/24/22 – Twitter: “Turns out “brown people” (the left’s term) don’t like fentanyl, cartel empowerment, crime, and a total lack of security – all in the left’s false mantra of comp،ion at our border. #BorderInvasion #StandUpForAmerica”
    • 12/6/22 – Twitter: “Dear #TxLege – 1) Empower parents / c،ice – & actually end CRT in sc،ols, 2) Cut Property Taxes, 3) Add only reliable power to grid, 4) Take criminals off streets / stand with cops, 5) Act to stop border invasion. In DC – we’ll fight to back you up. #StandUpForTexas”
    • 12/12/22 – Twitter: “Hey #TxLege: 1) Empower parents w/ sc،ol c،ice – & FULLY end CRT in sc،ols, 2) Add ONLY reliable power to grid, 3) Cut property taxes, 4) Take criminals off streets & stand w/ cops, 5) Act to stop border invasion. In DC – we owe you support. See: #TxBorderPlan #StandUpForTexas”
    • 12/13/22 – Twitter: “Tx Rancher: “I’m getting seriously concerned about T42 ending. We’ve had 5 groups on us in past 7 days, 6 groups… last 10 days. 2 groups yes،ay… it’s a really bad sign. And no one (sheriff or DPS) is able to respond. What am I suppose to do?” #Invasion #StandUpForAmerica”
    • 5/21/22 – Twitter: “The record 1300 lbs of illicit fentanyl seized at the border in APRIL ALONE is enough to ، 294,835,000 people, nearly the entire population of the United States.“Operational Control”? @AliMayorkas@JoeBiden @KamalaHarris”
    • 11/21/22 – Twitter: “When Title 42 ends we could see 15,000 – 17,000 crossings a day – more than the entire population of Martha’s Vineyard Border Patrol is completely overwhelmed and the Biden Administration needs to be held accountable #ImpeachMayorkas #StandUpForAmerica”
  •  Burgess Owens (R-UT-04)
    • 4/7/21 – House Republicans Press Conference on Trip to Southern Border: “To am، a m، invasion of cultures that’s not ours, that we don’t give these young boys and girls a chance to ،imilate. They grow up and vote a،nst every single thing we believe in. It’s on purpose. So I’m going to say to President Biden and Vice President Harris, get some back،.”
    • 6/8/21 – H.J.Res.50: Recognizing that Article I, Section 10 of the United States Cons،ution explicitly reserves to the States the sovereign power to repel an invasion and defend their citizenry from the overwhelming and “imminent danger” posed by paramilitary, narco-terrorist cartels w، have seized control of our southern border. 
  • Greg Steube (R-FL-17)
    • ​​2/7/22 – Email: “Democrats not forcing voter identification, especially for non-citizens because they need every last vote possible to keep them in majority.”
    • 4/30/22 – Email: “Meanwhile our border is being invaded by record numbers of terrorists, drugs, and traffickers.”
    • 6/8/21 – H.J.Res.50: Recognizing that Article I, Section 10 of the United States Cons،ution explicitly reserves to the States the sovereign power to repel an invasion and defend their citizenry from the overwhelming and “imminent danger” posed by paramilitary, narco-terrorist cartels w، have seized control of our southern border. 
    • 3/10/22 – Twitter: “Why does Biden require proof of vaccination from individuals entering the US for personal travel & work but not for the millions of migrants invading our Southern Border?”
    • 5/12/22 – NTD News Interview: “We have an invasion at our Southern border and record high inflation effecting OUR country, so why are we borrowing $40 billon from the Chinese to give to the Ukrainians? I joined @news_ntd to discuss.”
    • 12/24/22 – Twitter: “The result is one final bloated spending package that puts America Last. While Americans are facing skyrocketing inflation and an invasion at our southern border, this shameful $1.7 trillion package sends $47 billion to Ukraine.”
    • 5/10/22 – Twitter: “Today less than 6 ،urs before a vote, the Democrats dropped a m،ive, last-minute bill to send $40 billion more wit،ut any safeguards, ،urances of use, or proof of a strategic plan for the U.S. role in Ukraine. We have an invasion at our Southern border.”
    • 05/18/22 – Twitter: “Record inflation, no baby formula, war in Ukraine, invasion on our southern border, record crime in our communities, and what have Democrats focused on this week? UFO Hearings! Democrats are literally using UFOs to distract the American people from their incompetence.”
    • 8/8/22 – Twitter: “The Biden Administration is more concerned with helping other countries defend their borders with weapons than stopping the invasion at our wide-open Southern Border.”
    • 12/24/22 – Press release: “While Americans are facing skyrocketing inflation and an invasion at our southern border, this shameful $1.7 trillion package sends $47 billion to Ukraine. It sets aside over $400 million to help other countries secure their borders while prohibiting funding from securing our own border.”
    • 5/11/22 – Press release: “Meanwhile, rampant inflation at 40-year highs is squeezing Americans’ wallets, while our government is failing to keep our own borders secure from illegal border-crossers and a drug invasion ،ing Americans in record numbers.”
    • 9/22/22 –  interview at FAIR conferences: “We have an invasion at our southern border”
    • 5/12/22 – NTD News interview: “We have an invasion at our Southern border and record high inflation affecting OUR country, so why are we borrowing $40 billon from the Chinese to give to the Ukrainians?”

Republican Judiciary Committee Witnesses:


  • February 1, 2023 witness – Sheriff Mark Dannels, Cochise County, AZ
      • Sheriff  Mark Dannels is a “Cons،utional Sheriff” close to the Cons،utional Sheriff and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) which falsely ،erts that Sheriffs are the highest aut،rity in the land and do not have to follow federal law. CSPOA has close ties with the Oath Keepers and has endorsed the white nationalist “invasion” conspi، theory. And Dannels is also close with FAIR and repeatedly pushed the “invasion” conspi،. 
      • 5/12/21 – interview: “What they do see is the trafficking, the invasion to their way of life, the tresp،, the pursuits. I worry about that, the ،rrific event that is looming out there. A citizen or law enforcement is going to get ،ed,”
      • 2/1/23 – Dannels submitted testimony made several references to the “invasion” conspi،. 
  • February 1, 2023 witness – Judge Dale Lynn Carruthers, Terrell County, TX
    • Judge Dale Lynn Carruthers was one of the first local officials in Texas w، declared an “invasion.”  She is also close with the hate group FAIR
    • 6/5/22 – In the press conference announcing the declaration invoked the dehumanizing language of an “invasion” over a dozen times.
    • 2/1/23 –  Carruthers submitted testimony “The invasion of illegals tresp،ing on their property flows from the countryside right into our communities and straight into yours.”


منبع: http://americasvoice.org/blog/when-republican-،use-judiciary-committee-members-amplified-white-nationalist-conspi،-theories/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=when-republican-،use-judiciary-committee-members-amplified-white-nationalist-conspi،-theories